Lunar Rites Alchemical Network: Sovereignty Season 2024!

Hail, Brigantia! Keeper of the forge,
she who shapes the world itself with fire,
she who ignites the spark of passion in the poets,
she who leads the clans with a warrior’s cry,
she who is the bride of the islands,
and who leads the fight of freedom.
Hail, Brigantia! Defender of kin and hearth,
she who inspires the bards to sing,
she who drives the smith to raise his hammer,
she who is a fire sweeping across the land.

~ Patti Wigington

Beloved Alchemists,

When we are sovereign, unchallenged in our power-within and our own agency, we live a life free of restriction, restraint, and/or control by others. And, although we often work in cooperation with people, we are still the prime mover, the director, the governor of our own realms.

Sovereignty is not ownership but is instead the right and responsibility to rule our own precious lives and to do so with great integrity and understanding.

In the name of She Who Gives Victory I invite you to join me throughout the Season of Harvest and Growth for Brigantia’s Rite of Sacred Sovereignty.

Here we shall recognize our own potent authority, honoring our Sweet Selves and one another as Sacred Sovereigns. Under the guidance of The High One—ancient Goddess Brigantia, Lady of the Land and the Starry Skies—and for the highest good of all, may we see, acknowledge, and accept our own sovereignty and power-within!

United on the Astral Plane, we will recognize our talents, our accomplishments, our potential, and all that we aspire to be, in this Holy Moment of Now and in future moments.

Directed by Her wisdom, we will name and crown ourselves as Sacred Sovereigns, laying claim to our Full Selves as the absolute regents of our own precious lives. Here will shall ascend the Sacred Throne of Brigantia  and receive Her loving support and insight.

Here are some inquiries you may wish to consider before engaging with this rite, adapted from Moon 8 of The Women’s Mystery School of Magick & Empowerment:

Who owns your sovereignty?
Where are you willingly giving over your agency

and it is for the highest good (including your own)?
Where are you giving away your power that is not intentional, and not your choice?
Are there places where shifts in thinking could help you to reclaim all the parts of yourself? 

From my heart, Dear Ones, know that you are warmly welcome to join me in this practice around the Astral Altar of She Who Heals. Meet me in your own perfect timing as we reach the centerpoint of the Harvest Season and together name and claim the Truth of our talents, our potential, and our power.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button on this page. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Distance Ritual is available to you until September 30th.

Our Samhain Season ritual—Hekate’s Rite of the Blessed Dead—will be released on October 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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