Global Oracular Reading 6/16/24-6/22/24

Lady Jesamyn Angelica’s Oracular Musings for the Week of June 16th
Sun in Gemini into Sun in Cancer
Season: Beltanetide transitioning into Lithatide

Moon Passages:
6/16-6/20: Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra, void-of-course Libra, in Scorpio, void-of-course Scorpio, and in Sagittarius
6/21: Waxing Gibbous Moon in void-of-course Sagittarius; Full Moon in Capricorn
6/22: Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn

Beloveds, it is time to wrap up our Beltanetide work, for on Thursday we move forward into Litha Season. The Summer Solstice arrives this week alongside the Sun in the watery sign of Cancer the Crab! And, to support us in this work, Mama Moon will be Full in the sign of Capricorn on Friday evening.

Woo hoo! The peak of the Solar Wheel is here!

We are encouraged in this here and this now to center compassion—for Self, and for others. What would the world—your world—look and feel like if we all did this? Will you try it out, for this new Season? Or perhaps, just for this week?

As we shift zodiacal signs, listen for messages on the wind in and in the waters. During this liminal time, something is arising from the depths for us, some arcane information or hidden wisdom, and when we make space to truly *hear* it, the decisions we make for our lives become saturated with grace and power.

(Tools of the Week: Daughters of the Moon Tarot by Ffiona Morgan:; Labyrinth Mini Meditation Cards by Rebecca Rodriguez: and Talisman by Gaean Allusions:

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