Global Oracular Reading 6/23/24-6/29/24

Lady Jesamyn Angelica’s Oracular Musings for the Week of June 23rd
Sun in Cancer
Season: Lithatide

Moon Passages:
6/22-6/27: Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn, void-of-course Capricorn, in Aquarius, void-of-course Aquarius, in Pisces, and void-of-course Pisces
6/28: Waning Gibbous Moon in void-of-course Pisces; Waning Half Moon in Aries
6/29: Waning Crescent Moon in Aries and void-of-course Aries

We’ve tipped fully into the Waning phase of the Moon—and of the year, too! Here, we are offered a moment of gentle release, and relief. Take a deep breath, Dear Ones, and don’t be afraid to move more slowly this week.

This is the time to remember that you are enough, exactly as you are. There is nothing you need to do or be or say; there is no need to prove yourself to anyone…including yourself!

During this week we are encouraged to embrace our own Sweet Selves with love and gratitude…and that compassion we discussed last week, too! Our well-being depends on this, Beloveds, and so let us remember to tend to the spark of the Divine we carry within our own bodies and our own beings. This spark is always with us and, therefore, we are never truly alone.

Here’s something for you to contemplate: What would happen if you cut through the fog and allowed your hidden depths to rise out into the world and shine?

(Tools of the Week: Tarot of Cleopatra by Etta Stoico with art by Silvana Alasia by Lo Scarabeo: and The Crystal Spirits Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid:

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